Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hello world!

About me:

Hello everybody!  My name is Mark, but all my friends call me Turtle.  Welcome to my blog!

I'm here because I love classical music.  And I want to share that love with as many people as I can.

Classical music has been a hobby and interest of mine ever since I was a teenager.  I started singing in high school, then continued singing through college and grad school.  I've sung with a number of volunteer choirs, including the Houston Symphony Chorus.  

I have no formal training in music at all.  I don't teach, I'm not a musicologist, I didn't major in music in college.  I make my living as an engineer, tucked away in a part of the country where classical music is rarely heard.  What I know about classical music, I've learned from the over 20 years I've been singing as an amateur.  I've sung a lot of great pieces, been exposed to a lot of great composers, and have had my horizons broadened immeasureably.

I don't claim to have all the answers.  I'm probably going to get a lot of things technically wrong.  All I have is my own point of view, and it's free.  Make of it what you will. :)

About this blog:

This blog is about introducing classical music to a wider audience.  It's not an online music appreciation course - if you want that, you can get that at your local college.  It's not a "Classical Music's Greatest Hits" collection either.  They make CDs for that.  

I want to tell a story.  It might be a story about a composer.  Or about musical history.  Or about a common element several random pieces share.  Or just about what it's like to be on stage with a professional orchestra as a performer.

Having this blog also keeps me looking for new music to listen to.  Which is always a good thing!


  1. Is there any way to "follow" your blog? I saw your pop-out menu where I could add this to Google Reader, maybe that's Google's way of doing this. Anyhow, welcome to the blogosphere. I look forward to your postings! BTW, here's my blog: http://verbal-aviation.blogspot.com/

  2. I have no idea. I'm just getting started here. Try doing it the old-fashioned way, put a link to classicalturtle.blogspot.com in your browser favorites?

  3. Congratulations! One of your more brilliant ideas and I'm so glad you chose to share your knowledge with a wider audience! You are now on my browser favorites!
